Merrill Dunes has the capacity to provide high content mobile laser-tag events, both outdoors and indoors. Such events have many variables and must be priced on an individual basis, which we gladly do. Let us know what you want and we will find out the details of your situation and work from there. The client must supply the location (we can help) and we will evaluate the ease or difficulty of access and the requirements for barricades and actual laser game equipment. Getting the supplies to the site and set up and taken down are the main cost factors. Duration of the actual event is not a serious concern.
$500 is the entry point cost and depending on complexity may climb from there.
If we commit to put on an event, the client will get true game content and not a mindless shoot-em-up with a technical name hung on it. Mobile and indoor events are not simple to execute, if quality is to be provided, but we have many years of varied experience at the job and take these challenges seriously. If an event is little better than a cap gun pistol fight, but with a significant price tag, that is too low a standard, and getting past that level requires effort, experience, and equipment. We get er done!
Usually the best value to the client comes if your situation allows a flow-through of group segments to utilize the laser game system. It is costly to set up with enough gear to keep an entire group going for the duration of the booking time, and often not necessary. So, having laser tag in conjunction with other activities is often practical and allows good economy. Eye the photos of past events we have handled and give us a call if you wonder about the practicality of an event!